Present your story

INV Communications is focused on presenting small-cap and mid-tier public companies with growth potential to investors looking for investment ideas. We create and distribute online investor presentations that let you present your company story to the investors you want to reach.

The pandemic required a seismic shift in investor communications strategies. We help you take advantage of the shift.


During the pandemic, company CEO’s had to deliver their investor roadshow presentations virtually.  But once they got used to the new paradigm, they discovered there were many advantages to virtual presentations. Institutional investors got used to watching investor roadshow presentations online. They too discovered there were many advantages to the virtual roadshow. And for the first time, retail investors had the opportunity to regularly watch investor roadshow presentations that before, they saw only rarely or not at all. They really liked the experience.

We help you take advantage of this seismic shift in investor communications opportunity – and the strategies required to profit from it – by creating unique online investor presentations that let you reach out and ‘Present Your Story’ to investors looking for ‘Investment Ideas Worth Watching’.

Interested in learning more? Then let us combine our interactive online presentation platform technology, our presentation skills, and our depth of experience to help you ‘Present Your Story’ to the investors you want to reach.

Request Your Demo

Please complete your contact details below and we’ll contact you promptly to arrange a demo presentation. Or simply call or text Peter Norman at 438-922-5933.

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Our Talk-Deck Online Interactive Presentation Platform lets you present online investor presentations that look like the real investor roadshow presentations we used to present before the world changed forever.


Investors everywhere are searching for 'Investment Ideas Worth Watching'. The Online Investment Conference delivers your ideas to help them make better investment decisions.

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