Bringing Investors
and Investment Ideas Together

Turn-Key Technology, Techniques and Solutions to help you present your company story

INV Communications is an investor communications technology firm focused on bringing investors and investment ideas together to help you ‘Present Your Story’. Our Talk-Deck Interactive Online Presentation Platform let’s us create unique, outstanding online investor presentations to help you present your company story to the investors you want to reach. We back that up with social media communications skills and resources and capital markets experience. Finally, we apply creative, innovative, technology expertise to help you persuasively and powerfully deliver your message.

What We Do


The Details

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An Online Presentation Platform Designed and Developed to Bring Investors and Investment Ideas Together

Our unique, proprietary Talk-Deck interactive online presentation platform lets you present online investor roadshow presentations that look like the real investor roadshows we used to present before the world changed forever.

The Talk-Deck platform was designed and developed by our team to specifically meet the needs and requirements of investor communications. We’re the only company in Canada that can make that claim, and because it’s our own platform, we continue to develop and optimize it to better connect potential investors with your investment ideas.

In fact, the Talk-Deck platform is so good that one of North America’s leading investor relations companies chose the Talk-Deck platform to present their online investor roadshows with after evaluating all the other online presentation platforms. They now produce several Talk-Deck presentations a day to deliver their clients’ company stories. (Want to know who? Give us a call.)


Talk-Deck Live: Reach Out and Present Your Company Story to the Investors You Want to Reach

Our Talk-Deck Live Online Presentation Platform replicates the experience of delivering a live investor roadshow presentation to investors. It’s completely browser-based so there’s nothing you, other presenters, or viewers need to download and install on their computers that would open them up to security concerns or risks. All you have to do is present!

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The Talk-Deck: A Unique, High Quality Fully Interactive Online Presentation Format

Following every Live Presentation, we turn your recorded presentation into a professionally edited and polished Talk-Deck. Your Talk-Deck will get even more attention from investors because not only does it replicate for investors the experience of watching a live investor roadshow, it’s also fully interactive. Investors can access any part of the presentation instantly and accurately to play any part again or skip a part if desired.

Full precise interactivity is the secret sauce of the Talk-Deck platform. Why? Because given the choice, ten times as many investors will choose to watch a high-quality recording of a presentation at a time convenient to them rather watch a Live presentation at an inconvenient time, especially if they know that the recorded presentation will look as good as the Live presentation.  When it’s a Talk-Deck, they’ll soon know.


Investors are Looking for ‘Investment Ideas Worth Watching’. The Online Investment Conference Delivers Them for You.

Investors globally are searching for actionable information to help them make better investment decisions. What better way is there than an Investor Roadshow, the go-to decision making tool of professional investors for hundreds of years? When your recorded presentation is edited and ready for Prime-Time, we’ll feature your Talk-Deck on our investor communications hub, the Online Investment Conference, and introduce your company story to investors everywhere looking for ‘Investment Ideas Worth Watching’.


We’ll Make You Look Good on Social Media

Using our distribution network and social media expertise and resources, we’ll promote your Talk-Deck on the Online Investment Conference to the financial community and retail investors around the world looking for ‘Investment Ideas Worth Watching’.


We’ll Make You Look Good on YouTube

Using our distribution network and social media expertise and resources, we’ll promote your Talk-Deck presentation on the Online Investment Conference to the financial community and retail investors around the world looking for ‘Investment Ideas Worth Watching’.

Your Key to Successfully Presenting Your Story to the Investors You Want to Reach Awaits

Ready to unlock the power of real online investor roadshow presentations to attract investors to your company story? The first step is to watch a demo of the Talk-Deck platform and see how easy it is to start using Talk-Deck to reach out and present your company story to the investors you want to reach. Click on the key and let’s get started.

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